Karen Richard Stands for Alpharetta
Karen Richard Stands for Us

Growth & Development

Karen believes residents should have a voice in future development. In her six years on our city’s planning commission, Karen has always supported balanced development. As our next councilwoman, Karen’s plan to address development will include:

  • Adhering to our citizen-created land use plan, which calls for balanced growth
  • Supporting single-family housing, instead of high density, multi-family apartment zonings
  • Ensuring transparency in all zoning cases brought before council
  • Emphasizing village-style development in Alpharetta’s historic district

Public Safety

Alpharetta continues to have one of the lowest crime rates in the country. But, recently approved high density and mixed-use developments have introduced public safety risks not previously seen in our hometown. Putting public safety first will be one of Karen’s top priorities. If elected, Karen will strengthen our city’s public safety by:

  • Keeping public safety funding the top priority in Alpharetta’s budget
  • Ensuring public safety officer salaries are ahead of the curve compared to other communities
  • Pursuing state and federal grant funds to help reduce the cost of new equipment and programs


Traffic congestion continues to be one of the most frequent concerns Karen hears from Alpharetta residents and business owners. She knows that solutions must be based upon both local and regional strategies. Karen will:

  • Support future development that doesn’t overburden our infrastructure
  • Improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to prevent Alpharetta from contributing to the alarming national increase in preventable accidents
  • Promote a transparent process for the allocation of over ninety million dollars from our bond and TSPLOST projects

Vote Karen Richard

For City Council

Tuesday, May 22nd